Local News Assignment

Mia Nelson
2 min readDec 1, 2020

Local news remains a vital part of how Americans receive news. Digital news has become an important aspect of how local news reaches people and changed the way journalists connect with their communities. After reading a 2018 Pew Research study, I found it striking that nearly the same number of Americans say that they prefer to receive local news online as they do through television news.

It is important for local journalists to stay in touch with the community they are serving to fulfill their role effectively. The ONA on local news conference session mentioned how people value journalists who understand the history of a community and are more personally engaged in the community they are serving. I found it interesting that the Pew study showed that people who feel that local journalists are in touch with their community rate the local news much higher than those who feel the media is not connected to their community.

According to the study, there is a very low number of people who say they have interacted with a journalist in their community. The conference session discussed ways to connect with communities including meeting people where they are. News and Advance Journalist, Emily Brown spoke to our class about how she covered high school sports team seniors whose school years were cut short due to COVID-19. Brown met them where they were and highlighted their stories. This interaction is an example of building better relationships between communities and their local news media.

During a worldwide pandemic, community news is more important than ever. Lock downs have affected some of the most important aspects of people’s lives, including jobs and education. Local news provides the information that directly affects people’s livelihoods and their families.

National news tends to focus on political issues. This is important, but in a year like this, people want to know how their specific community is being affected. The Pew study showed that 50% of U.S. adults believe that government and politics is important to know not but for their daily lives. So, right now is the time for local news to shine because they have the ability to connect directly with people in a community about the issues affecting them.

Understanding a community and its people is a vital part of a local journalist’s role. When journalists care about their community and learn about people’s stories, they become more passionate to serve their community well. Journalists who are in touch with their community can effectively communicate what matters most.

