Opening Blog Post: JOUR 485

Mia Nelson
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

I will gain valuable knowledge from this class about investigative reporting that is vital for my future career in broadcast journalism. The opportunity in this class to write an investigative article will prepare me to report on complicated stories and equip me with an investigative piece to add to my portfolio. This class will also give me the opportunity to develop crucial skills for a career in journalism such as learning to analyze and review official documents, interview and evaluate sources, and make sound observations with Christian ethics in mind.

Referring to the course description, the article that I will write in this class will have the purpose of informing, illuminating, or inspiring. Similarly, as a broadcast journalist, my goal will be to accurately present the news to inform and reveal truth to the public. As mentioned in the rationale, investigative reporters have the crucial role of holding those in power accountable. I believe this class will prepare me to effectively fulfill my responsibilities as a reporter in sharing information and disclosing possible injustice.

By enhancing my abilities in research and interviewing, this class will help me to be fully prepared to not only report current events as a journalist, but also deeply investigate them to share the impact a story may have on the public.

I am looking forward to learning about the techniques that make an investigative piece effective in revealing information and impacting society. I want to learn how to effectively gather facts and put together a thorough investigative article. I also hope to gain a deeper understanding of how Christian reporters can make impact in society through investigative journalism.

I am also interested in learning how to analyze public records and use primary and secondary sources in investigative reporting. Overall, I hope to leave this class with in-depth research abilities and a deeper understanding of how to effectively use investigative journalism to impact the public.

I see this class developing my skills for the future by helping me become more confident in my journalistic abilities and allowing me to gain experience in this area of journalism. The skills that I will gain in research, interviewing, and source evaluation will prepare me to carry out my future career in a way that is pleasing to God and impactful to others with diligence and integrity.

